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Archer Disability Foundation (ADF)

ADF  facilitates award winning community outreach that advocate social inclusion, mentoring opportunities and independent living options. ADF presents the largest Disability Mentoring program in the state of Florida. In 2007, ADF introduced 176 students and job seekers to non-traditional careers in Florida.

In 1999,  Archer Disability Foundation introduced the DADEO Program: Disability Awareness, Disability Employment Opportunities, with the objective of addressing issues transitioning students with disabilities  graduating out of high school with no plan to help themselves into the  community.

Young persons with disabilities face many adversities as they enter adult  life and need resources to help theme plan their future and achieve independent living options.

DADEO provides community outreach program for students in transition by introducing them to human resource managers. government leaders and businesses executives in their work environment.

ADF works in alliance with Rose Lee Productions Inc. to establish outreach campaigns that help expand the advocacy message to the public to create awareness of the need for community inclusion to achieve a greater quality of life for persons with disabilities and those who care for them.